Quan Chi

I've found this info circling on the internet:
*Alison Savitch is the executive producer and special effects supervisor.

#mortalkombat: Why was the orignal ending to MK Annihilation with Quan Chi and Shinnok cut from the film before it's release?
The way that scene played out it would kinda point to another sequel like how the first film ended.

Alison Savitch: In the filmmaking process there are a LOT of cooks in the kitchen. We generally try to get one collaborative vision on the screen, but sometimes there are varying opinions.
I personally loved Quan Chi, but one scene can't dictate how a whole movie is created.

#mortalkombat: clintele says: Since you were on hand for the visual effects of both MK movies, do you know who played Quan Chi on an unseen final part in MKA?

Alison Savitch: The guy who played Quan Chi was actually an extra from Thailand that couldn't speak a word of english but he looked amazing. I'm sorry it didn't get into the second movie, you all would have loved it.

#mortalkombat: NosajMKcom says: Are there any scenes on the cutting room floor from the 2 films that we havent seen,
like a fight between 2 fighters, or say the orignal ending to MK Annihilation with Quan Chi and Shinnok?

Alison Savitch: Just bits and pieces, but no major scenes were cut out.

#mortalkombat: Which movie did you like the most? The first one of annihilation?

Alison Savitch: The first movie was exactly the movie I wanted it to be. Fun fights, fun effects,
a story that told the legend that we were trying to accomplish. The second movie was a little more
complex and I'm not sure that the point got across as clearly as the first movie.

#mortalkombat: clintele says: Are there any plans to make a "Special Edition Producer's Cut" Video of MKA?
A lot of us want to see the missing stuff.

Alison Savitch: I'd love to do that cuz there are a few things that I personally, and I think Larry, might have seen a little differently on MKA, but we have lots of new things to do too, so we'd have to have time to do that.
