Shao Kahn

I remember being 10 in 97' and being severely let down by Brian Thompson.I mean not only losing Christopher Lambert, but Shao Kahn just sucked terribly.I love and still love over-the top villains, but Brian Thompson really got expressive.Also all of the Outworld people went from cool in 1994 to realy lame. web show:


Words of truth.


if you want to see a good portrayal of kahn, go watch Mk conquest. Jeff Meeks is really great. He also plays Rayden really well too.

Last movie seen at cinemas: 'Superhero Movie'
Last dvd bought: 'The Cannonball Run'


Wish they would have went with S.K.'s look at shown at the end of 1. Of course that is that the only thing that changed about this movie.


I, too remember seeing this film in the theaters when I was 15 years old. I was a huge MK fan and this movie looked incredible in the trailers! Then when I got in and saw what they did to Shao Kahn, I just bowed my head and told my friends that we could leave anytime they wanted to. The way Kahn looked at the end of MK1 looked really good, but in this one they got everything wrong! I want to know who made that horrid looking helmet first off. Why couldn't they have kept Kahns original origin story instead of having to add Shinnok to the cast as his father? I felt that this film basically tried to be a film adaptation of MK trilogy. I would have like to see them make Kahn bigger than the other fighters like he is in the game and also why couldn't they make his head like it his in the games without a helmet instead making him completely normal looking? What depresses me more than anything is that John Tobias had a big hand in writing this!


To me, the worst thing about Shao Kahn from this flick is the fact that in the games, Kahn is somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 feet tall. The actor in the movie just feels like he is only 5'9, even though his IMDB profile says he is 6'3. Granted, the end of the first MK made Kahn feel like he should have, massively powerful and huge. I kinda feel like the actor in the movie was like a Micromachine version of Shao Kahn. I know, I know, hard to find someone who is 7' capable of martial arts moves and to make the flick more...entertaining i guess is the word, but I was just as disappointed in him in this version. I was just hoping for more of a big man/little man dynamic that was apparent any time you had any fighter going against him in the games. But probably the biggest strike against him---his voice. Here I was expecting the same voice that would say "Round 1, FIGHT!" or "Flawless victory" with the mocking laugh. I never have found out who actually did the voice capture for the old MK 2 & 3 games but, why couldn't they have dubbed him to make it sound a little bit more intimdiating than what ended up on screen.

However, with the advances in technology, a NEW Shao Kahn would be really awesome. I still wish they could have had Raiden have the white eyes in both movies though like he does in the game. Even that effect would be easier to pull off nowadays with tech.


Tobias wrote the story, not the script.
The script was written by two monkeys.

"What closes can also open again!"


I hope they choose Shaq than Brian Thompson as Shao Khan. He's a perfect fit in that character.

