MovieChat Forums > Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) Discussion > Should Have Been Done As A Trilogy, Same...

Should Have Been Done As A Trilogy, Same Actors, Director etc..

If I had been in charge of the franchise I would had Mortal Kombat done as a 3 movie deal. Signed the actors on contracts for the sequels, and had the script worked to make it a trilogy.

That way they could have spread the characters out better and given them a little more substance.

I would have loved to have seen the story of Mileena being explored more as Kitana's evil cloned twin sister created by Shao-Khan.

Some exploration of the robot ninja's would have been great, there is so much in the Mortal Kombat series. that could have been explored, however it just wasn't possible in two movie's.

I think had they gone the route of using the same actors, same director, same team of special effects artists. From the first movie all the way through to the 3rd film. It could have been a good trilogy I think, though I would have left the 3rd one open for a potential 4th film, if the 2nd and 3rd did well.


If I was in charge the budget would be no more than 10 million,I could make a good MK movie with 3-5 million get proper actors,effects,costumes,Story ETC

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi


I totally agree with this.

No idea why they didn't.

I think Johnny Cage dying is an interesting idea, but it was executed so poorly. I'd have him killed off after an amazing fight with Shao Khan at the end of the second film, buying time for a his friends to leave safely. But I'd bring him back in the third film (in a similar manner he was brought back in MK4).


It was supposed to be a trilogy but New Line backed down after this film. If you look online hard enough, you will hear that the movie was supposed to end with Shinnok and Quan Chi. Shinnok being imprisoned after the fight with Kahn/Kang was merely a diversion. As for the third film, it was stuck in development hell for years. Now a reboot is in order and it still seems like the film is stuck in development hell.

old blog:
Transformers Classics:


I think MK should have been either a one-off film or a miniseries (3 parts, one for each of the original 2D games).
