Honestly, I do.

I love the non-stop, pointless action. MK: Annihilation is the only movie I can think of where the entire legion of evil villains was slapped in our faces literally 3 minutes into the movie, and by the 4th minute Shao Kahn is throwing Hadoukens and Raiden is ramming him into walls.

Then the soundtrack. Oh my Thunder God, it was addictive. I actually downloaded the pirated version of the soundtrack and listen to it every now and then.

I haven't really played a lot of MK games except for MK 1 and 2, but for some reason I was so thrilled to see the "ninjas" (Ermac, Scorpion, Sub-Zero) and their costumes. It was so amusing looking at them doing their ridiculous poses and engaging into fights. I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoyed that.

Okay, so the movie didn't have a good plot. So what? I don't think the movie was ever trying hard enough to have a good plot. MK 1's pace was slow and boring to me, and Shang Tsung was utterly disappointing. Couldn't fight a lick.
Shao Kahn, on the other hand, whooped all kinds of arse. Killed Johnny Cage 10 minutes into the movie, killed Raiden, and beat thirty seven kinds of sh!t out of Liu Kang.

I get it, the movie was cheesy (e.g Shinnok saying in anger "Do not underestimate the power of the human spirit!", and Sindel's "Too bad YOU.....will die!"... Made me LOL). It had bad effects. But none of that prevented me from enjoying it. I actually showed the movie to my 8 year old brother a week ago, and for the past few days we've been recreating the final Liu Kang-Shao Kahn fight word by word and blow by blow. He love it.

And I do too.

PS. I just rated this a 10.


Ok im gona keep this short and sweet..kinda,

the original film rocked, could have been better but was still a great watch for any MK fan. The second however sucked in every way possible. Worst film and biggest disappoint of all time. Even Ed Boon the creator of mortal kombat knows how much this film sucked.

check out this trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l3jrR5XMSU

It is the trailer for the new Mortal Kombat series.


He doesn't like the movie this is just a bait thread.


I agree with this 100 percent.

THis movie is just so fun to watch. I gave it a ten stars too.



It's refreshing when the heroes can be feeble sometimes.


Its dumb but enjoyable.


You re not alone


I like the first one better,but this far from horrible

I must become someone else. I must become something else.


I'm with you



I love it too. It really captures the feeling of a '90s video game--simplistic, straightforward, and colorful. And the fight sequences are well shot and choreographed.

The soundtrack is pretty great. It was the first CD I ever bought.
