Worst Sequel Of All TIME?!?!???

Wish is the Worst sequel of all time?

Heres My List:

Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
Highlander II: The Quickening
Universal Soldier: The Return (i know, it's the 4th, but it is the sequel with Van Damme)

Tell me your list of the worst sequel of all time?



Hell no! Resident Evil Apocalypse was by FAR better than this lousy sequel, you musn't have seen this movie in awhile cuz the acting is HORRIBLE! the graphics are laughable, and you have random characters coming in and out, its ridiculous. Even Mortal Kombat had better graphics than this movie


I love how people compare a movie from 1997 to a movie from 2004.


That's usually what happens when we're dealing with such a large chasm like "of all time."

I've heard people say Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia series are both the "Wizard of Oz" of this generation.

It happens dude...

Eric: So, I said to myself, "Kyle..."
Amy: "Kyle?"
Eric: That's what I call myself.


It could have been better even though new characters were in the movie.


This isn't it, because at least the soundtrack was decent!


This movie was fun for what it was.
At least it had some cool fights and a great soundtrack.
And the cheezy bits, made it bad but also very funny.

Worst sequels on my list so far are:
-House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim
-The Circuit 2: The Final Punch
-Bloodsport 4: Dark Kumite

MK2 isn't nearly as bad as those... imho.

'Hi honey', said the sugar.


I don't think House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim count as worst sequel because the original sucked balls too!


Are you f'cking kidding me? they made a sequel to house of the dead?


Batman and robin... period.

Ahnold as Mr. Freeze??? The Batnipples on clooney's suit??? I wanted to gouge my f%$@*&g eyes out.... I'd watch MK Annihilation over that crap any day...



Yeah, i mean, it sucks...but upon recent viewings, it DOES offer cool fights between the weak plot. Sure you watch a film for plot mostly, but also to be entertained and i guess MK:A does sorta entertain in the end. It seems as if they try to make it bad and cheesy with some things, but there's always fast-forwarding to the fights and you've got close to 30+ mins of good action.
It did ruin Shao Kahn, introduce bad ugly CG monsters, give earth ancient high-tech passages which play Jim's striptease music, have CROWDS of useless characters (however, the focus is kept on a few, so not so bad), change Rayden among others and give him some bad lines and, worst of all, use the ANIMALITY, really horrible bits, in general also downgrading production values.
But then again, the Scorpion Vs. Sub-Zero fight is classic, every fight involving a Cyborg rocks, and the showdown in the end ain't half bad, and fortunately they give a pacing in which there's a battle every 2 to 5 mins. And i actually find myself watching it every now and then cuz, MK is a fighting game, and MK:A has fights. Many.






troll 2
snakes on a train
undisputed 2
basic instinct 2
butterfly effect 2


Rocky V


starship troopers 2


Though I haven't seen it, I'd venture Feeders 2: Slay Bells. Negative fifty on somethingawful.com. Troll 2, which I have seen, ranks up there.


Vote history: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=12320866


All The Crow sequels. City of Angels, Salvation, and Wicked Prayer.

