"also, if they are so advanced, why can't they see very well, or remember more than like a second - for example, they are attacking the train carriage where all the humans are, then the humans smear bug secretion on the windows and cracks and they stop attacking..
ok so the bugs are attacking, then they stop.. so to them it must have been like 'yay lets kill all the humans in this hear train carriage.. oh wait, the humans have now turned into insects! they certainly smell like them at least.. let's just leave them alone' .. hmm."
Well that how insects 'think'. While the bugs have got bigger, they still just think as bugs. The insects in mimic are social insects, like termites and ants. Most termites can't see anything and most ants are harldy able to see. One of the reasons is that sight simply isn't that important. What's by far most important is smell, social insects communicate through complex chemical messages they produced and are smelled by others. It's not like the insect think: 'hey they were humans but now they turned into humans!' Its more like this: every single smell causes a respons in the insects brain, as if they don't even think about it, it just causes responses. They don't have complex thoughts, its more like a simple computer. So first they smell something that isn't an insect, they attack it, then they smell it's one of them, and the respons is to leave it alone. They don't think 'transformation' because they could never form such complex thoughts, they could never think the concept 'transformation'.
Its funny to see how certain species co-evolved with ants and are able to 'break the smell-code'. There are certain small spiders that are able to mimic the smell of certain ants. When they see ants carrying eggs, they walk up to it and they start pull the eggs out of the jaws of the ants. The respons of the ant is to not let go and to, initially, try to stop the spider. But eventually the smell of the spider lets the ant think its not a predator, but just another ant of its own colony. So when the spider, which is stronger than the ant, wins and pulls the eggs away from the ant, the ant 'thinks': 'everything's okay, he's part of my group' and forgets about it and the spider has a nice dinner.
"You mean them little cubes you put in hot water to make soup?"