You all must try to think about those other people who have listening devices in there homes and focus your attention on them instead of on me. Keeping your attention on them always and not trying to use that against i. It is not healthy when you trun to me with that radioactive wave length. I know i will be able to get you all to infalme from with inside. They can not. You are warned and i understand you ignore warning which dated back to ancient history. You always seem to ignore warnings from someone who looks like me and i am always right when i warn the population. When will you people learn and finally understand? You live in the era of joking arouond with life. Somepeople truly take life serious to a degree of which life is suppose to be taking serious. Others brush of the concept of implemented warning and do finnicky things to upset the natural process of compromise. Which wasy is it. You will continue to play this game until the very end i know that by now. it is your animal planet right isn't it? You need to start asking others do they still want to play that game with you against me or are they trying to not and live comfortablly in a hostile society dead set on destruction? Do you remember hellraiser 4 he says amen in space? That astronaut dies a government official wants to be a priest. Do you see the cut and paste scenarios people are living due to movies from recent past? The ticker tape parade of life.