I love the BBC!

I hope the BBC keeps sticking on these bizarre films.
I'd never go out of my way to watch them, but seeings as they're just on I find myself watching them out of pure laziness and unwillingness to cross the room to turn off the TV.
An end up getting really into them! I'm enjoying this film even as I'm typing - though I have a horrid feeling one of my favourite characters is going to get eaten...
Anyway, just thought I'd express nmy new love of the BBC...
Because I can.


I have it on to,its a good film,kind of lost in time,no one really mentions it much,and damn mia is hot as hell.Pity the 2nd ones pure trash


I knew it! I so knew it!
Every time I decide I actually like a character they have to go and kick the bucket...

Damn you bug men... damn you...


Yeah, the Beeb have been pretty good lately.

Really enjoyed Mimic tonight...something easy to watch at this late hour, and I hadn't seen it for ages

For me, a shade better than last nights effort "The Ghost and the Darkness" which rambled too much...


Best thing about movies on beeb - no ad breaks, makes great for ripping to dvd if you wanna watch again.


I taped this off the telly the other day and just got round to watching it.

It was just a rubbish bug/monster movie.

I expected a bit more from Guillermo del Toro.
