Recycled set?

I could well be mistaken, but the set where they hide in the old subway train looks very much the same set used in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze, only grunged up a lot. Having said that, it's a long time since I saw TMNT2 and I mostly blocked out the horiffic experience. Anyone got both to compare?


That subway station is actually the old, now closed "old" Bay street subway station in Toronto. It's directly under the new Bay station. The station is closed to the public and usually used for movie filming. Not sure where TMNT2 was filmed I'm guessing it was in Toronto since it's by New Line Cinema/Alliance so it was probably filmed in old Bay station.


Yeah I watched Mimic last night and I thought the exact same thing, the lighting arrangement and the old train looks just the same as the one in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret Of The Ooze! It stuck in my mind till the end of the film lol
