Norman Reedus

I just watched this and saw in the credits that Norman Reedus is in it. I know him know from The Walking Dead but didn't recognize him. Anyone remember who he was? The character name doesn't give a clue.



Yeah, he was the guy who pulled the dead Judas bug out of the freezer and called it a lobster. I think his voice is very recognizable in that scene. :)

"Dulce periculum; Danger is sweet." -Macaulay Clan Motto


Yup, that's him. Didn't recognize him when I watched this a few weeks ago - he looks a lot younger.


Thanks, I watched this tonight.

I also noticed he gestured widely when mentioning finding the 'little baby' aligators.


Watch Blade II if you haven't seen it for a while, he has a major role in it and you're like "Woah, he's in this movie as long as Wesley Snipes is!"

It's weird when you associate someone as a new face then see them in something from like 15 years ago. Yesterday I saw a teenaged Ryan Phillipe in Crimson Tide.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


I kind of have the opposite issue, because I mostly associate Reedus with Blade II and The Boondock Saints. I'm vaguely familiar with The Walking Dead but I'm not really a fan. So he's Daryl to everyone else, but he'll always be Scud to me. :)

Of course, it's also kind of weird watching this film nearly twenty years later and seeing baby-faced Josh Brolin pop up on the screen... but not as weird as remembering that he played Brand in The Goonies.


that's because he IS a lot younger.


Possibly because he was 15 years younger in Mimic?

~ the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it ~


If you look at someone when they're 46 and when they're 31, they are usually pretty similar. It's not like looking at someone when they're 10 and 25 and they look completely different.


Believe me when I tell you that quite a bit can change between the ages of 27 and 41... but I'll give you the fact that Norman Reedus obviously isn't as "clean cut" in The Walking Dead as he was in Mimic, so that might have made a big difference, too.

~ the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it ~
