The animated conversation at the prison...
...when the baddie says something to the effect of "I've got about ten years to plan my revenge on you".
Ten years???!!! Yeah *right*!!!
Murder, multiple attempted murder, reckless endangerment on a quite preposterous scale, armed robbery, kidnap, mutilation, GBH, ABH, assault, theft, TWOCing, misappropriation of municipal property... A streetcar (a STREETCAR) full of citizens was rendered uncontrollable and careered, for a very long time, up and down the crowded hills of a major city injuring people and writing off vehicles left right and centre...
Ten years???!!! He'd get ten years just for all the wing mirrors.
What a pile of tired old s hit this film was. Why didn't I just go to bed?
(And don't even get me started on the lip-reading mcguffin.)