Ajay's Death

Was there ever a scene showing Ajay being eaten? I remember when I was younger I had a book based on the film adaptation of TLW and there was a few pictures in it that were not in the actual film.


It may have happened off screen, or else he was one of the group getting got in the tall grass?

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


I've wondered about this. They show Ajay throwing off his pack while running through the tall grass, and the Vince Vaughan character subsequently finds his pack (which the redhead puts on and a raptor later tears off, allowing her to escape).

I get the feeling that Ajay originally was a bigger part that they cut way down.

(Is there a director's cut available?)

Most of the time, I'm just trying to be funny.


In the comic book adaptation Ajay and Roland have more scenes and Ajay's death is shown. Apparently, the initial script featured those scenes. I wonder if they were ever filmed.

For within each death there is always a new life, a new beginning - Dillon, Alien 3


Ajay was wasted in this film, the introduction deleted scene should have been kept


In the junior novelization, Ajay runs into the grass like the film. As the hunters are being picked off, the book mentions that 4 torpedo like tails were coming for him, so he closes his eyes and waits for the inevitable...
