Jeff Golblum and his Lines

I have been watching a lot of reviews of this film and I honestly don't see what the main gripe is with Jeff Goldblum. I think he's a good actor and the role of Ian Malcom was my favourite growing up. He was decently smug and foolish in Jurassic Park but in Lost World I think he finds a good balance of smart and mature. All of his lines are crackers too. "Mommy's very angry" was my favourite when I always watched this. My mum loves him in the film and I don't see why other people don't like him. He's a decent actor in my mind. Maybe some (Or a lot) will disagree, but I don't mind him at all or this film.


I have been watching a lot of reviews of this film and I honestly don't see what the main gripe is with Jeff Goldblum.

Where are you getting your reviews from? Its pretty much a given that Jeff was considered one of the best things about the film.


Some of the reviews are just online in general. And a few Youtube reviews. I haven't read all of them, it's just the odd one or two.


Well those reviews are wrong.

Can't stop the signal.


YouTube reviews are nothing more than opinions of people who look up errors about a movie and give their personal opinion. Their 'reviews' have no more relevance than my great aunt's does.




He's a pretty interesting character actor, and he can also handle the main protagonist role well. At one point there was a joke made that you couldn't make a Science Fiction movie without Jeff Goldblum. That was because he had been in several blockbusters at the time -- the 2 Jurrasic Parks, plus Independence Day. However, he had also been in several non-blockbusters before that -- Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Earth Girls are Easy, and the remake of The Fly; also Transylvania 6-5000, but that's more a fantasy than Science Fiction.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


Malcolm is a great character both in the books and the film. I love smart characters that are also cocky and jokey, like Bunk in the Wire for example.

"They cut you from the team" is quite a funny line to cap a slightly over the top scene.
