Babay Aga

when i saw this at first i thought they had it wrong, cause i was thinking of Baba Yaga, an old hag woman who has a cabin with chicken legs. but i googled it and i found out that Babay Aga is an old man, a turkish one basically just like the Baba Yaga woman version. and Devon pronounced it more like Babay Aga then Baba Yaga so maybe they mixed it? i dunno. either way i thought it was interesting, i was interested in the story when i was a kid. i thought if i was in a forest she would come eat me.


If anything, turks probably adopted that story from slavs. Turks actually conquered large number of slavic lands in 14th century, and they had this custom of kidnapping young boys and taking them back to turkey, where they would train them to be soldiers, so called janissaries. Janissaries actually enjoyed quite a standing in ottoman society. It's quite possible they brought the story along for the ride.


As she says in the movie, it's just a metaphor for anything bad. The important thing is that she calls Trent Baba Yaga in the beginning, but then shifts to calling her dad and the security guard Baba Yaga at the end.
