should I watch this ??

never heard of it till it popped up here.


Yes, IF you can handle its obvious shortcomings. It's an entertaining S&S flick that should be enjoyed by fans of Conan, Sinbad and the like.

Sorbo was in his prime here and definitely looks like Kull from the comics, except he has his characteristic geniality whereas Kull was more grim and brooding in Howard’s tales. Nevertheless, Sorbo is well cast and one of the film’s highlights.

The opening of the movie is weak with Kull’s dealings with the Dragon Legion and his fiery sword fight with Taligaro. If you’re patient, however, the story takes a compelling turn with the palace confrontation. The production is acceptable, but noticeably inferior to “Conan the Destroyer” from 1984. I’d say it’s on par with “The Sword and the Sorcerer” (1982), but with a superior story and more interesting characters (once you get past the lousy opening). I should add that Tia Carrere looks great as a green-eyed redhead and the fiery demon F/X at the close are quite effective.

Joel Goldsmith's score is really good except for a couple of semi-cheesy metal riffs, like the eye-rolling one near the beginning and another riff much later during the fight at the ice cave, which isn’t as bad. At least half of the score lacks any metal guitar whatsoever and most of the pieces that do include it are very good. But those two dubious riffs turned me off the first time I watched the movie. These rhythms were rather lame in 1997, let along today. But, if you can ignore 'em, the score's actually quite good and in some ways excellent. You can hear all the pieces here:

It’s flawed, but there’s too much to appreciate to give it a negative rating. I give it maybe 6/10.


did you ever watch it?
