MovieChat Forums > Kull the Conqueror (1997) Discussion > At least the Conan film can't possibly b...

At least the Conan film can't possibly be this bad.

Kull the Conqueror tanked for a whole host of reasons, so since the Conan producers actually want a return on their money, they'll try to make a somewhat decent movie by avoiding the idiocy of this film. I hope so at least.

Carthago delenda est.


No such luck. I rate them both a 5 out of 10.


I just watched Kull on TV for the first time in over a decade and though still cringe worthy, it is definitely superior to that crap Conan reboot. Kull was held back by under developed script and what looked to be an overall under budgeted production, the PG-13 rating certainly didn't seem to help things. They had to resort to camp to make up for the lack of dazzling set pieces, convincing acting and proper character development.


I try to enjoy movies for what they are and not for what they're not.
