a few 'whithnail and I' moments? **spoilers***
Without taking ANYTHING away from Keep the Aspidistra Flying..I saw Withnail & I prior to seeing this and couldn't help but recall the lead character Grant played in Whithnail, during the expensive restaurant scene where he looks at the food menu and exclaims "this is no use..we need drink!".
He proceeds to get plastered on expensive champagne and heads off into the night...and getting arrested.
Great scenes and it's not a slight on the movie...which is great, I just couldn't help breaking into a grin during those scenes...and to a lesser extent when he was grinning like a chesire cat later in the movie in his lambeth cesspit, er...sorry..I meant apartment.
When his publisher pal dropped by unannounced and Comstock invites him for a drink..I wouldn't have blinked if he had of went into a pub and demanded "the finest wine known to humanity"...
For those of you who enjoyed Grant as an actor in Keep the Aspidistra Flying..I strongly recommend you get Whithnail & I out on DVD/Video....well worth it.