It's the song that plays while Willis/The Jackal is in the bath, I believe it plays over the credits as well.
It is not the mix of 'Dissolved Girl' that appears on 'Mezzanine' of any other CD release that I am aware of and is credited as 'End Track'; not 'Dissolved Girl'. It's worth noting that this film came out the year before 'Mezzanine' was released which may hold bearing on the track title.
I believe there is only 1 Massive Attack song in The Jackal. Then there is "Maxim feat. Skin - Carmen Queasy" which is maybe the song you are talking about.
"I believe there is only 1 Massive Attack song in The Jackal. Then there is "Maxim feat. Skin - Carmen Queasy" which is maybe the song you are talking about."
Right, fvcking hell, I know the song, Thats how I was able to mention it in my first post! Why do people insist on offering up pointless and indeed incorrect information such as the above quoted.
My request is if anyone knows were I can download/buy the track in question could they please point me to it. Thankyou.
Yeah, queue up here to help somebody who'll abuse you if he doesn't like your contribution when you take the time out of your day to try and help a stranger.
I wonder what gratitude you'll receive if you actually DO help him?
People offering up useless info because they like the sound of their own voice and/or can't be arsed to read my original post isn't "taking time out to help a stranger" it's vain and rude. Like I already said in previous posts any help is much appreciated and I also offered thanks in advance for any viable contribution. What was getting me threaders is people banging out a post for the sake of it. I don't go around answering posed questions with completely random or wrong info and all I ask is that people afford me the same courtesy.
Incidentally, and to reinforce my point I asked a question, that has a correct answer. "not liking a contribution" has nothing to do with it as I wasn't looking for opinions, they are thus irrelevant.
I'm afraid I don't feel moved to withdraw my previous assessment, regardless of your... 'explanation'.
Sure, previous posters may not have offered the highest quality of contribution; but you insist on denouncing such people as 'vain and rude' for daring to indulge in the egotism of offering you an incorrect answer.
You seem to deny the possibility that anybody might give you a wrong or inaccurate answer through any genuinely benevolent motive; that any of your above respondents might actually have been trying to help you, even in their errors. You simply treat their errors as proof of their vanity and egotism, never thinking to thank them for the expenditure of their time, which you solely attribute to their personality flaws. Some might say this is harsh criticism, others that it is dangerously thin ice on which to skate.
Nobody is obliged to help you on here - you are entirely dependent on the good will of other posters in your quest. By answering you, these people were showing that good will, if not good sense. I was always brought up to appreciate any help offered to me - even if it was useless. The fact of it being offered at all was to be appreciated, because nobody owes you anything.
The fact is, as a passing poster with an extensive interest in film music (especially those tracks that slip through the cracks and never make it onto soundtrack albums), I am absolutely disinclined to assist you on the basis of your treatment of other posters. This may, of course, be due to my vanity and egotism - but it may equally be due to yours. The question is, will you even accept the possibility that your conduct is open to criticism, or maintain the position that anybody you pour scorn upon must be deserving of it, by definition? Whatever the answer to my question, you will certainly not get the answer to your question from me. Had I been the first to reply and not witnessed your gracious conduct, you undoubtedly would have - since good will is free. I see, however, that you do not appreciate this.
>>>Incidentally, and to reinforce my point I asked a question, that has a correct answer. "not liking a contribution" has nothing to do with it as I wasn't looking for opinions, they are thus irrelevant.
I am sure other posters who come after me will see the point of your argument and will be inclined to help you, recognising that you will only be rude to them if they are foolish enough to be incorrect. I'm positive that your fine appreciation of accuracy will encourage respect in new passers-by and that the answer to your question will be very soon forthcoming. We must watch this space.
---I'm afraid I don't feel moved to withdraw my previous assessment, regardless of your... 'explanation'. ---
It wasn't an 'explanation' it was a clarification and I didn't ask you to withdraw your previous assessment.
Incidentally the original post that you took such offense to on behalf of other people was whilst blunt not really that berating of anyone. The only 'negative' comment that was targeted at any was when I said the Information from the poster above was incorrect. If that is an issue then I do indeed apologize for being honest and the distress it has caused anyone.
---Nobody is obliged to help you on here - you are entirely dependent on the good will of other posters in your quest. By answering you, these people were showing that good will, if not good sense.---
As already stated; I showed appreciation and thanks in my original post even before anyone had answered.
--- I was always brought up to appreciate any help offered to me - even if it was useless. The fact of it being offered at all was to be appreciated, because nobody owes you anything. ---
Help that is useless doesn't help, thus is not help in the first place and logically can't be classed as such, I think you mean a gesture? And I have never once suggested that anyone owes me anything. By that same standard I owe no one anything either, including civility if you really want to get technical.
---The fact is, as a passing poster with an extensive interest in film music (especially those tracks that slip through the cracks and never make it onto soundtrack albums), I am absolutely disinclined to assist you on the basis of your treatment of other posters. This may, of course, be due to my vanity and egotism - but it may equally be due to yours. The question is, will you even accept the possibility that your conduct is open to criticism, or maintain the position that anybody you pour scorn upon must be deserving of it, by definition? Whatever the answer to my question, you will certainly not get the answer to your question from me. Had I been the first to reply and not witnessed your gracious conduct, you undoubtedly would have - since good will is free. I see, however, that you do not appreciate this. ---
Excellent, I am glad you have such a high opinion of yourself, must be a real life skill, go down a treat in social situations and all that.
Anyway to sum up; when one really looks at this thread the only person who has actually launched multiple acts of specific abuse at a singular person (scorn poring as you say) is yourself against myself!
Right you have had your say and I have had mine, I Apologize profusely to all for loosing my rag and would just say that it was a vent of frustration rather than a attack on anyone. I now will ask you allow this thread to get back on track rather than you and I derailing it further with protracted argument/discussion.
I mean who knows someone may just be waiting to answer my question by telling what the weather was like in Helsinki last tuesday...