State of Mind
Okay so dudes I just got through watching this movie buzzed. Never laughed so hard in my life. Try it. Just sit there pictring the actors being told "action". Bruce Willis and Jack Black could be the next Laurel and Hardy for christs sakes.For example, Bruce reads his script and sees it says "The Jackal turns towards the camera pasionately portrayin a flambouyant gay man" and tell me that doesn't have you rolling on the floor. Or Richard Gere reading his character "he runs down a steep hill while yelling into his cell phone" when your inner wisdom tells you no one in the world could ever do that without doing a faceplant!! Anyway try it for a great laugh. Oh and I live in CA and have a license so don't bother tracking me down. Wait a minute am I paranoid. Be cool. Oh, and you gotta watch when the gal at the end shoots the Jackel and is shown standing there with a devilish look on her face with horribly done red backlighting to confuse the viewer into whether she is a symbol of our inner deveilish mother being portrayed as the hero, brilliant job director. Oh, and how your subconcious actually enjoys the scene wher the Jackel gatling gun gets shot and disabled so he cant use the power scope so he goes wild blasting the building apart. I mean, get in touch with your inner angry child man that grew up blowing up little army guys with firecrackers or *beep* like that. Anyway its hilarious when everything from the lighitin, to the guys being told to act like they are getting shot a gazillion times, it'll make you roll. Off to bed now.