MovieChat Forums > The Jackal (1997) Discussion > Americans+ Irish accents= 0

Americans+ Irish accents= 0

Richard Gere is not that bad in this but it still is pretty ropey his effort.
Brad Pitt is *beep* doing it in Devil's Own and Snatch.
Tommy Lee Jones was atrocious in that *beep* film.
Tom Cruise in Far and Away. Ha!
Michael J. Fox in Back To The Future 3. Terrible!

Leave the Irish accents to the Irish or if you want spot-on impersonations a Brit. I;e; Albert Finney,James Mason,Pete Postlethwaite, Daniel Day Lewis, Sean Bean, John Hurt,Robert Carlyle, David Thewlis, Ian Hart, Paul McGann, Iain Glen, Rufus Seweel, etc,etc,etc.


Isnt Daniel Day Lewis an Irish citizen?

I tend to agree, though Im Canadian so I can't really complain, but Brad Pitt's in Devils Own was noticably bad, but Snatch was good, you werent suppose to understand him, and I didn't so its all good. Tommy Lee Jones was horrible in Blown away. I didnt mind Gere, didnt sound over done.


jones' accent in " blown away " wasnt too bad i thought? then again jones' performance in that movie compensated for any deficiencies he may have exhibited in the accent itself ?



a) Pitt's accent in Snatch was suppossed to be like it was, and he was a gypsy not an irish
b) Back to the Future? you shouldn't take it serious

Hey, Mr. President! I campaigned for the other guy, but I voted for you!



Brad Pitt played an Irish gypsy in Snatch. IMO he did a pretty good job with the accent.


Brad Pitts accent was supposed to be irish mixed with everything else, i dont know much about the irish part but in the everything else he sure did a good job


I was disappointed he didn't do enough "top o de mornin'" and "Begorrah" and "Be jaysus" as we say to each other all day, every day.


It's not just the Irish accent that was bad, how truly abysmal were those attempts at Russian accents?!


The attempts at Russian accents is better, I'm studing russian language. But sometimes it sounds like Italian accents.




What are you kidding me? Gere's accent in this movie was awful. I kept expecting him to say "Aye! They're always after me Lucky Charms!"

"You always have a feeling Mikey, and every time you have a feeling you get us in trouble!"



But on the other hand, Irish Actors have a very good track record with American and British accents.

I have to agree with that in the case of Colin Farrell, so I do :P

His American accents always seem genuine, especially compared to his very Irish self in In Bruges!

She's gone, baby. Gone!


Gere's was average, but what was Mathilda May's Spanish accent about?! Atrocious. Slipped in and out all the time. Easily the most notably bad accent.


I think Collin Farrel has a good accent although I liked his Sonny Crockett voice better

I can never tell when I am reading someones signature.


Robert Mitchum did a pretty good job in Ryan's Daughter, I thought.

REPENT, you son of a bitch!


Orson Welles in "The Lady From Shanghai" anyone?

Marie got her ass kicked in "Au Hasard Balthazar"



Seriously? The accents in The Boondock Saints were atrocious, didn't sound at all believable.


Richard Gere's Irish accent made me cringe! But it wasn't half as bad as the "Canadian" accents throughout the movie. What in the hell was that about? Laughable.
