
What did The Jackal spray on the minivan that killed the guy when he tried to open it?


One of that awful celebrity-perfumes?
just a wild guess


it may have been a toxic known as VX. but VX cant kill u in like 10 seconds as shown in the movie. But there are poisons that certain frogs have on their skin that penetrate the skin fast and can kill u quickly also there are other ways to enhance the effect and speed of poisons so that a deadly poison enhanced can kill the target in a matter of seconds. Some powerful venomous snakes have such strong venom, that could have been what the jackal used. I dont know for sure as there are no clues to it.


Liquid nicotine.


I'm guessing it was some type of acid (the burn shock) to get through the skin.
mixed with arsonic or VX to finish the job


something that was equal parts fiction and poison.



This has been brought up before, here's my previous take on it:

Stop mentioning VX.

Even in it's most potent aerosol form, inhaled directly through the nose VX takes about 2 minutes to actually incapacitate a person (by paralysing them), with about 4 minutes being a realistic time of death, when your lungs simply seize up.

Simply touching liquid VX would not kill you in under 10 seconds, not enough exposure.

There's almost no chemical agent, save for certain concentrations of cyanide or the Russian "NOVICHOK" agents that can incapacitate a person that quickly (that is, just knock you unconscious), and even then death takes much longer.

Organic neurotoxins based on animal poisons like Puffer Fish or Golden Poison Frogs wouldn't work either. They're very hard to weaponize. No military in the world synthesises them and they're not used for any scientific purposes by laboratories to begin with so you'd need to get a sample from a frog or pufferfish yourself. Which could prove a little difficult.
Secondly, they're organic agents not chemicals created in a Lab. They're unstable and deteriorate very quickly in the wrong conditions (humidity, temperature, light, etc.) which affects potency.

You can't just get some blowfish toxins, mix them up with an aerosol propellent and stick them in a can and then spray it on something.
It doesn't work that way. It'd be far too diluted to have any effect.
Most of those neurotoxins kill through injection into soft tissue (like a Cobra's bite) or direct surface contact.

It's just another Hollywood myth folks.

When the Defecation hits the Oscillation


Yes to all that, and as someone else mentioned, the big question should not be the type of aerosol poison but instead be why would the Jackal risk having one, two or three dead poisoned hijackers around his van holding a $200,000 Polish gun?

Not to mentioned parking his van long term in the spray wash slot?


Sig Line:

Many cynics and skeptics mistake their hubris negativity for actual intelligence.


He did a lot of things that wouldn't suggest he was the greatest hitman to ever live. Killing JB without hiding the body or taking the mount plans was pointless. Elaborate disguises for a man whose face is only known by a hand full of people seems like overkill. Giving Declin hints about the target even though they thought it was a completely different person was a bit brash.

He also should have shot Declin immediately like he did everyone else. He didn't hesitate to kill all movie then as soon as he gets Declin to put his gun down he takes his good old time and doesn't shoot him until he himself gets shot as well (that is pretty typical for action movies though).

After the other two guys came up on the first poison victim I would think that only one more of them would have grabbed the door handle and died before the last guy smashed the window and took the gun.
