Sweden/Norway connection
I just finished watching this film. Can some of my Northern European friends help me out on this one? I understand that the Stellan Skarsgård character is Swedish but that the story is set in Norway, correct? So why is a Swedish cop working in Norway? I understand that he is speaking Swedish in some parts of the film and that some of the people don't understand him when he does so. Although they are both beautiful languages to listen to, I was unable to tell when he was speaking Swedish and when he was speaking Norwegian. When was he speaking Swedish and when was he speaking Norwegian? The subtitles didn't help much with this. I assume that since the film makers went through the trouble of making this a point that there must be some meaning behind it. Is there any signifigance in the different languages being used, other than to underscore the fact that he's a foreigner? Any help at all would be much appreciated and make me better able to understand and appreciate a culture other than my own.