I wathched this film recently, and I have to say that I did'nt half feel like s**t after having watched it. I almost felt as if someone had punched a hole through hy chest, and ripped out my heart. The main character, Chad didn't half make my skin crawl at the end. When he confessed about everything he'd done to Howard, it was as if he had not one shred of remorse whatsoever for his victim/s. He was behaving is if he'd scored a great victory.

Do all business execs behave like this? It makes you wonder.

I wasn't too impressed with the ending though. I'm surprised Christine didn't want to kill him.


your sentences dont half make a lot of sense.

and how would absurd behavior by a character in a movie make anyone wonder if all the actual people who happen to have the same job as the character in real life act the same way... what kind of ridiculous thought processes do you have;

and i thought the ending was good, nicely loose. the funniest part was after the cool guy told off the deaf and left, and then she started crying and making noises into her pillow. i was laughing for minutes.



I thought this was a good movie, but I could be biased. I went to the cinema with two male friends who felt like complete a-habs after watching the movie and hence my meal and drinks that night were free - courtesy of my two guilt-ridden friends.

I have to say that the plot was good and the fact that we all felt like crappy human beings after meant that the film served it's purpose. Indeed, just when we though the movie could get no lower, the lead gets to go home to his girlfriend....so yes sometimes the bad guys don't get what's coming to them.


Well they always do 'get whats' coming to them, its only a matter of when and how. Usually they get hit harder, simply because they adopt a way of thinking that is essentially self-defeating. I'm sure Howard will get him back by shagging his girlfriend and getting him fired.

Oh what an idea for a sequel ;-)


Excuse me, Truwarier? Where the hell do you get off calling my thought processes ridiculous. I was only just speaking my mind about what I saw. My sentences make as much sense as anyone else's, and no, I didn't particularly find that scene at all funny.



"Chad has to live with being Chad for the rest of his life. That is his punishment. "

But the irony is that he doesn't feel bad about his actions. His punishment is his victory. He has no remorse, no conscience. He wins.

"Nice beaver!"
"Thanks, I just had it stuffed."
--The Naked Gun


they don't make movies like this any more. damn feminists


well, I'm sure that there are plenty of feminists who think this movie is fascinating. though, from what I've heard only, it perhaps makes one feel almost complicit in extreme sexism, at least it isn't just completely ignoring women. When I see the movie, I'll change this comment if I disagree with it.



I guess this is all speculation, what happens afterwards, but he does retain his girlfriend, and even if he lost her, he'd go on to the next person to use.

And since Chad is kind of a sociopath, different logic applies to him. Common sense would say that being evil, narcissistic, having no remorse or conscience, is its own punishment, it also has its own rules. I don't think Chad cares who he uses, and being alone isn't going to destroy him. He doesn't care about anyone, so why should anyone care about him? I think he understands this and finds comfort in his wickedness and isolation(in mindset, at least, he feels superior, so that is why he is already a loner).

"Nice beaver!"
"Thanks, I just had it stuffed."
--The Naked Gun



The scene where Chad's in his office and he tells a black worker to pull down his pants and expose himself was truly sickening. If I was that worker, I'd have told Chad to "go fk himself"

So this is how liberty dies-with thunderous applause?


After having seen the movie, I stand by my original comment. Even though it was the portrayal of one man's depravity, it still portrayed men in general in a very poor light. Also, I do think that Chad was not tormented or punished. But would anyone want to be like him? He was completely empty and devoid of any emotion other than amusement! "How does it feel?" he asked twice.


This is certainly NOT a film to send you to bed smiling.

So this is how liberty dies-with thunderous applause?
