Is Chad a necessary evil?

Okay, let's start with that disclaimer about DVD bonus commentary. Not necessarily my views but I think there can be an intriguing argument made for Chad playing a necessary role in the world.

I have a hard time considering anybody in this movie innocent. There are differing levels of maliciousness but what we really have are 2 misogynists and a player. Chad is evil in his intentions and in his actions, true. But he also serves as the punisher for the misdeeds of both Howard and Christina. Christina is not exactly innocent here and more or less illustrates perfectly the reasons that the men describe they hold for disliking women. Think about it. If she had just been decent and dated one man at a time, their entire plan would be foiled. If they had legitimately found a woman who didn't fit their stereotype they wouldn't have been able to continue. But she wanted to have her cake and eat it too. And as for Howard, he may have been a lesser evil than Chad, but he still went along with this terrible plan. It may have been a bit over the top, but really I think both Howard and Christina got what they had coming to them.


Chad basically broke Christina emotionally and made her feel nobody could ever want her. Very few people deserve that.

I'm not sure about Christina. Some people find it acceptable to date multiple people but when they are in a serious committed relationship they are faithful. She may have seen it that way or she may have just been a two timer. I find her quite difficult to read as far as that goes. If she was a two timer then she is less sympathetic but still doesn't deserve what they did to her.


Christina deserved it for what she did with Chad. And for the fact she went to bed with Chad so easily.


It's a greater wrong to manipulate someone than to be manipulated by someone. Christina didn't deserve anything for falling prey to a psychopath. That's backwards, neanderthal thinking.



There's nothing wrong with dating around, but only if you're clear with the people that you're seeing. Most people don't want to be considered an option only to be rejected down the line.


Bingo OP. Chad is a stand in for the 'Devil', a tempter, a kind of prosecutor of mankind. See Book of Job.

Both Christine and Howard are flawed human beings. We sympathize with them but look how easily they can become cruel with just a little temptation (whispers in the ear) and the right circumstance.

Chad having total disdain for humanity, simply enjoys seeing them fall into sin and technically, they have no-one else to blame but themselves.

M. Scott Peck, an expert on the psychology of evil came to believe that some supernatural type force was behind it after decades of clinical research. Whether there is, who knows, but there are those who act accordingly and will use every trick in the book to turn you into a minion.


I really dont understand some peoples enterpetation of "two-timing".. This girl was obviously either cheating on anyone, nor did she do intentionally harm. She never got intimate in any way With that loser Howard, and after getting intimate with Chad, she went out with the other clown just once. At that date (if thats what you may call a casual dinner..) - she tells him that she shouldnt have comed since she love another guy. She Even apoligize. And then she is almost abused in the car.

So Some opinions here suggest that one "half" acknoleging dinner over due.. Is what it takes for her to "deserve" whats comming to her??
