PLEASE HELP- Been Lookin' for1Particular Similar Film*(Description.... ..
does anyone know the title of a lesser know animated gem..from the late 70's-early '80's- where a brunette male barbarrian like warrior ( and with a girl i think!?) fly's into a urban crime like city (new york/L.A. !?) on a dragon -to fight demon like purple/blue badd crime thugs/villians...But as he's killing slaying them they turn/discenigrate into the night sky/Space like Fireworks & 8-bit like video game numeric 'SCORE POINTS' like '300pts'...'500pts' 'WIN'...etc. & so fourth...!?!?!?!? please-Please-PLEASE, this maybe a llllllLONG SHOT...but GREATLY APPRECIATED if can help me!! :D <3
"HOW VERY!!!!!!!"