The Storyline seemed as if it were modernized to be more like..
Forest Gump, it really seeemed like it was trying to cashin in away because of Gumps succes only a few years prior to this and i think thats the main problem becuase not only did it try to cash in on "Gump" it did it cheaply as well. Another intersting thing i notticed was how this film was done as if the Director was so expecting the film to win an oscar for best film of the year, before it even won anything. Examples of this are the numerous "would be" famous scenes and quotes that were planted in the film like when the to young kids kiss at the fountain, or When Fin and Estella kiss in the rain outside the restaurant, or when Finn yell outside Estellas mothers building about how he became a success, or the Line, "feel my heart its broken" and the criminals speach at the end. Its sad because this film really did have potential, and was visually stunning