MovieChat Forums > Great Expectations (1998) Discussion > Become a character from Great Expectatio...

Become a character from Great Expectations!

Stories affect everyone’s lives. It is why we are so engaged in movies and literature with great narratives. And, like it or not, the stories that we hear drives the way we live our lives. At Rewritten City, we are a role play site where the stories of old affect the progress of the stories that are new. The names of characters hearken back to narratives developed years ago. For example, one of our canons is RENT, a musical/film that is the product of an old opera entitled La Boheme. The Crow is a film a product of an old Indian legend about the crow that can raise people from the dead to right wrongs. The purpose is to choose your character – portray them, create them or fabric your own OC and join a world of characters from the past that live in today’s New York City. So all that is left is: What character to be and what character not to be, that is the question!
