just my opinion...

This is just my opinion but I think that Charles Dickens was rolling in his grave when this movie was made!, he wrote a great story with no swearing, sexuality and hollywood as usual has to mess up a classic by throwing in this crap. The actors are good but it's disgraceful what they did to his novel. If alot of people liked the movie that's great no problem with that i'm just expressing my own opinion. To each their own :)


I think it is hard to accept or judge a film that is an adaption on it's own merit, especially if you love the original. I try and see all adaptions as works in their own right that use the source material as a starting point for further thematic exploration/interpretation. That way I find some things easier to forgive!


Oh no, there was s-e-x in it! holy moly! What'd you think it was going to be? this ain't 1946.


Truthfully, I never gave a hoot about this novel, when I was made to read it
in school. The older films of it were mostly dreary, black & white...
When this film came out, I loved it. I suppose I am lazy for not reading the
book, but I didnt care til I saw it first!! So, although I agree with your
disgust, probably, the new versions DO serve to open lazy people's minds, like
my own, to the great world of Dickens. I am older now, and diving into books
such as this. Dont fret too much, it can be a good thing to remake classics.
