They're supposed to be in Florida and at the very end I saw what I thought was a digitally distressed shot of the Ringling house. I don't know if they were on location in Sarasota or not. I was just wondering if any of you knew anything about it.
I live in Bradenton Fl where Cortez is and it is the town next to Sarasota, I have been to the Ringling Manson several times. My great grandfather, Rudy Bundy, Was the vice president of Ringling Brother's and was a close friend of John and Mable Ringling. He used to hang out at the mansion with them when they still lived there. The mansion is beautiful and dark. My parents were married in the rose garden, the whole museum is amazing.
Why are you calling me Felix, My name is Joe. I'm Calling you Felix because I do what I want.
It was not digtally distressed it was in very bad shape and went through a huge restoration and is once again the beautiful place Mable desired for John. She named it not him.