MovieChat Forums > Great Expectations (1998) Discussion > Seriously who would go through all this ...

Seriously who would go through all this paint and torture for a woman?

even if they look like paltrow in this, its not enough for me to chase this ridiculous skank around like that. she had no class at all, just a stupid blonde who thinks shes hot sh** and I wouldn't have given her the time of day.

Realism, Remakes and Unnecessary Sequels are ruining movies!


And yet many do.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


You obviously havent encountered many women throughtout your life...
Because this is life and love.
The hunt is what we lust for .


Who would go through all that indeed. ESPECIALLY when the woman is so skinny and plain looking like Paltrow. Yeah I said it.

Good legs though.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


No, you TYPED it and hit 'submit'.

Not that oh said anything scandalous or insulting anyway, but typing it still carries less punch than actually saying it.
