MovieChat Forums > Gattaca (1997) Discussion > This film saved my life

This film saved my life

The message behind this film at the time I saw it helped me push myself beyond what I thought I could do. It had a direct influence on my life choices at the time that put me on the trajectory that I am on now. I just wanted to add it here. I know opinions differ but sometimes the right message comes at the right time and thats all that is needed.


That's nice to hear. It's a good thing this movie came along for you when it did. If a movie can do it, then more power to you.




What happened since then?


Since then? As the OP (And Im glad this thread has kept going) Its been crazy good actually. I've won an Emmy and have fulfilling, creative work on great projects happening every day. Im getting ready to start my first 50 million feature and *beep* if it isn't all a dream. I was willing to keep swimming ;)


Wow! That is really amazing! I feel jealous. I'm happy to read that you have a great job and living the dream. I hope your next big feature hits big and tell us what it is when it comes out so we can watch it. Keep pushing, man. Congratulations!


You're not the first I've heard say that. You won't be the last. Danny Devito once said that people frequently approach him to tell him that.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


I wouldn't say this movie "saved my life", but it's very inspiring and one of my favorites. The message behind the film that you are more than your natural abilities is powerful and it's a good thing to constantly remind yourself that.


I agree with that. You are more than your supposed abilities and limitations, and also that what your genes suggest are limitations may also confer valuable gifts.

There are some conditions that are now being debated over whether or not to "eliminate" them from the gene pool -- yet some of the greatest minds and inventions have come from people affected by them.


It's got a great message behind it. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.


I got another message from this movie: though you feel different, struggling alone against adversity, if you reach your goal you probably had someone who took you at heart and working "behind the curtains" to help you succeed ?


I got another message from this movie: though you feel different, struggling alone against adversity, if you reach your goal you probably had someone who took you at heart and working "behind the curtains" to help you succeed ?
It wasn't just Dr. Lamar who helped Vincent though. Vincent wouldn't have succeeded without the help of Eugene, Irene, Caesar (the head janitor) and even Director Josef. And the fact that Detective Hugo did his job diligently and without prejudice, also helped.

So the message could be that if you feel different, struggling alone against adversity, trying to reach a goal, remember that not everyone is trying to put you down; there are still people who feel sympathy or empathy for your personal situation (although they can be hard to find; but they are there, in the most unexpected of places).

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Luck is opportunity meeting preparedness. Vincent was very prepared for the challenges ahead of him and all of that can be seen as opportunity. I'm agreeing with you. I just wanted to add a bit.


Good additions. I definitely agree.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Danny Devito once said that people frequently approach him to tell him that.
Huh. I didn't realize DeVito had anything to do with Gattaca till this minute, even though I've seen the movie about eight times... I'm surprised that it's a frequent comment when DeVito is so visible elsewhere.


Sure, you first though ok.

If you have to title and author your quotes, they aren't worth quoting.


Cool yeah it's a very inspirational movie.


I hear you. Call it divine intervention or blind chance, the right message can come when you most need it. Whatever the reason, it's amazing what an incredible change in your life can happen when that message comes.




Wow! That is cool. I had a similar experience with the original Star Wars in 1977. I wouldn't say that it actually saved my life, but it came along at a perfect time for me.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


It's amazing how certain things come along and help us and inspire us when we need insliration the most. This movie helped me changed the way I think...which I guess you could say saved my life as well. Anyway, I'm so happy to know I was not alone :)
