Real CRS?

Are there any companies like this in real life? Even if its not this intense, are there???

If not, this seems like a great business currently if someone came up with this. These days there are real life games like escape room etc

Why not this yet?


It would be interesting if there were.....expensive....but interesting. Wish I could get involved in something like that.


There definately was some companies like that. It started the ARG together with A.I movie (that had a game in the credits). I remember being on one of the site many years back where they had different packages and a estimated set-up time for the game.


I think if humans did this in real life, there would be more active shooters running around.

Hate to say this, but the actions of everyone involved - including his brother, would have brought out some MAJOR paranoia, and trust issues.

On a daily basis, we're witnessing that the only way most males, especially, deal with their anger is just go out and shoot everyone..

We have enough whack jobs running around here, just losing their minds on a daily basis..

Can you imagine how many more we would have, if some company decided to INDUCE people's insanity?

I can see their "template consolation" already, after there's been a massive killing:

"Thoughts and Prayers..." Sound familiar?


WTF!!?!?! Most males deal with their anger by going around shooting everyone? If "most males" did this, the human race would already be extinct. If you loony, fringe left, vagina hat wearing, man hating, feminazis want to have any hope of being taken seriously, you shouldn't make such ridiculous, blanket, false statements.


Not that I know of. And I think that’s a good thing.

While the idea of it does seem somewhat exciting, there’d be too many risks involved. It would have to be something very lightweight compared to the “game” in this film... it should never have you question your sanity like Douglas’ character.

Having said all that, it’s so enticing that I would probably partake in it.
