His whole motivation for beating the crap out of ONeil was to prove that people (men) would react differntly to seeing this happen to a woman.......which is EXACTLY what ended up happening, right? "She's not the problem, we are". And truthfully, i think this would hold true in today's military. Women can complain that it nots right, they have every right to do what men can do.....and in a perfect world yes. However, people arent ready to see their daughters brought home in body bags and thats reality.
my OPINION only.
"It just so happens he is only MOSTLY dead" - Miracle Max
Equality is hard to come by, and fairness but a lie But worse is man's propensity to never even try.
The difference is no one wants to see the body bags. But nationally, it's easier to conceive men dying from fighting than women.
Until the day comes when men and women are treated the same with regards to violence issues, that disparity will remain. But people applaud a woman who hits a man, far more often than they applaud a man who hits a woman.
I don't need you to tell me how good my coffee is. .
The Master Chief highlighted the problem. He didn't prove that it's an insurmountable one. The truth is we now have women serving in combat capacity in some situations and so far most of the men they serve with have been able to handle it very professionally.
As to the treatment women would have to endure if captured, I think history has shown us that men are capable of treating other men just as despicably as they would think to treat a woman. Some people in war will treat their captives honorably and some will not, gender notwithstanding. And if a woman stands up and says she's willing to risk whatever might befall her if captured, she should be able, just as the men beside her, to make that choice for herself.
In reality woman are already victims of war and military violence, they don't have to be fighting. While women may not be "brought home in body bags" they are just blow up by bomb attacks(WWII) or raped at home by invading forces(Bosnia). The only difference is that when women are willfully involved in fighting in wars decided by old white men, the soldiers and higher ups are forced to face the truth that both sexes are damaged and destroyed by war. And you are essentially insinuating that a woman's life is more valuable than a man's, and yet women are not granted the same rights, pay, or respect despite their "value" to society.
The fact that men react differently to women harmed in war does not justify the absence of women soldiers. It's like saying that because (for example, using a recent news story) the Naval Cadets are sexually assaulting a raping female cadets, women should be banned form the military since the guys cannot handle themselves around women. Where is the logic in that? If women are getting raped in a town at night should we force them to follow a curfew or force the men in the town to follow a curfew?
Why must the women, or any group minority soldiers, sacrifice their opportunities so that the current system doesn't have to adjust. I mean female military officers cannot move up in the military as easily as men (and thus earn more) because they cannot gain combat experience.
There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis
I'm not suggesting any sort of affirmative action. I'm saying that if women can complete the same tests as male soldiers they should be given the same opportunity to take the same jobs.
And there are female oil drillers, construction workers, and fire fighters, but there aren't very many because women don't necessarily want those jobs. Look at the freaking Olympics. Look at the number of female weightlifters who can lift more than average men.
If someone can lift 80 pounds of sheet metal all day everyday, or carry a wounded soldier 5 miles on their back, then their gender should not matter. THAT is what I'm arguing.
We are suppose to be a merit based society, but gender restrictions halt that immediately. Based on your argument, only women should be nurses because they are inherently more caring and suited to help the injured and disabled.
Everyone should be given the same OPPORTUNITY to prove their worth, whether it be mental, emotional, or physical.
There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis
I don't know if he fully proved his point- the soldier who was about to talk did say 'it's only a game o'neil'- which leads me to think that in a real scenario, where they could reveal secret information to the enemy that actually mattered, they would be more likely to keep their mouths shut.
Though sidebar- although master chief is painted as the villain in this scene, I gotta respect what he did. She asked to be treated the same- he did what she asked, and didn't patronise her.
The Israelis have had women in their ranks for years...honestly, women in the service have more trouble from their their male counterparts, officers included, than any enemy they might meet...the sexual harassment and rape goes on and on.. including the Service Academies..
Maybe men should grow up then. If they are the weak ones, they should get stronger, not prevent women from doing what is a problem to themselves only. Arguments like those lead to the Taliban.
For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco