Unarmed, physically un-imposing villians....
Did anyone else wonder why the family never even made an attempt to fight back or even resist?
The two villains were both unarmed, one was chubby and the other scrawny...And after getting his knee whacked, the dad basically gives up entirely and the wife simply goes along with whatever they want because they threaten her verbally.
I understand the average person isn't an action hero but - if some unarmed, weak looking stranger put a bag over my kids head I'd have punched him in the nose, and maybe kicked him square in his nuts. My wife would have ran to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and stabbed them both.
In the movie the family had several opportunities to make a move - when the neighbors visit on their boat, when the scrawny guy leaves the chubby one alone with them to go make a sandwich...
I know the theme of the movie was "violence is bad, mmkay!" but the unrealistic actions of everyone kind of took me out of the moment. In the US, those two would have been shot. I find it hard to believe Europe is THAT culturally different than two parents would just let their son die because they were verbally threatened by someone unarmed and scrawny/chubby? Anyone else?