Song Help

Does anyone know the name/artist of the song that is playing while they are auditioning guys to be dancers (I think it's during that part at least...)? It sounds like something from the '60s, sort of jazzy, with people speaking in French? I downloaded the soundtrack but it doesn't seem to be on there. Anyone have any idea?


"Je t' non plus" ("I Love You...Me Neither") by Serge Gainsbourg
and Jane Birkin. It was released in the UK in 1969, but was banned in several
countries for salacious lyrics and the female moaning which accompanies the
lyrics--it was rumored that the song was recorded while the couple was engaged
in sex (probably because of this, the song became a big hit at the time despite
the ban).

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!


Thanks! I've actually heard of that song but had never heard it. Strange that it's in the movie but not on the soundtrack...
