MovieChat Forums > The Full Monty (1997) Discussion > Why did Gaz swear when he saw the 2 wome...

Why did Gaz swear when he saw the 2 women on the street?

When the the guys are going around the neighbourhood, putting up their "Hot Metal" promo posters, two women are walking toward the group and Gaz swears when he sees them. Why? At that point those women haven't appeared yet in the movie so I was wondering what the connection was. Were they related to his ex?


They were probably just friends; they obviously knew each other pretty well.


Maybe even an "ex" or one of Gaz's tarts.


Definitely one of "Gaz's tarts," good call naveron.


I just thought they were still self-conscious about what they were planning to do, and preferred not to discuss it with anyone (especially their potential audience) face-to-face.


I agree with you. Also, I thought the phrase "gaz's tarts" was just a put down of him really. I mean, his ex- wife hardly came in that category, did she? Not to me anyway.


Do you think that Gaz was unfaithful to his ex wife, and that's why they got divorced ?.


Yes, the exact reason. I have the novelization and apparently Gaz had been going around around Sheffield like a tom cat.
The fat woman and her friend they met on the street were just two of his conquests.
