Ending (Spoiler...obviously)
Just looking to see if there is a general consensus out there. Do people like the ending the way it is with the evil twist?
Or would people rather have seen it end up with Azazel dying in the woods along side Hobbs?
Personally, I'm very torn. Sometimes it really stings to see Zel lose. I love his character in the movie and it would have been a great way for him to go out. The other side of me applauds the balls it takes to have the bad guy win at the end. I also love Denzel's narration, as Azazel, at the end when he is talking about losing and then when the cat appears he gives that evil little, "Aha," and says "remember I said I was going to tell you about the time I almost died." Its evil, its creepy, its disheartening but it makes Azazel a character you absolutely love to hate. Which, unfortunately I think, is rarely pulled off with bad guys in movies.
So I was just wondering how some other people felt about the ending. Thanks, enjoy the film.