Archer's Wife

You'd think she'd be a little more upset/disgusted over the fact that she had sex with the man that killed her son, even if he was wearing her husband's face.


She was upset, the way she said "we've been living everyday as man and wife" she was implying they had sex and you could see Archer getting emotional saying "I know and there's nothing I can do to make it up to you".

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours


Good thing they had penises of exactly matching girth and length.

I was never one to hold grudges. My father held grudges, I'll always hate him for that


Good thing they had penises of exactly matching girth and length.

If they could perform the face transplant as shown, penis augmentation would be a breeze. This story was originally in the future, but Woo decided to place it in current time(1997).


Wouldn't that be penii?


Congrats, you've just won the internet! Hahahaha


Quite honestly I don't see how that marriage would have survived. It was pretty rocky to begin with dealing with the loss of their son. Then for Sean to pull off the ultimate backtrack of getting a desk job, by becoming Castor. Well you all know the poop that occurred. How could she forgive Sean for that? How do you get past all that?

Barbecue corn nuts
Rest upon lily pads safe
For frogs have no teeth
