621 to Population!

What does 621 to Population mean?


Prisoner #621 was being added in to the general population.


What does 621 to Population mean?

the line is 621 THE population.

hes telling us the current number of prisoners in the facility.

he says it backwards, grammatically it would be
the population is 621


the line is 621 THE population.

No, he says "621 to Population", as the OP says.

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


He said 621 to population, that either means that's Troy's number or there are 621 prisoners.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


No, no, no... the line is 6 to 1 to population.

The one guard is talking to the other guard explaining the betting odds of Castor vs. the Population (or in betting terms "the field"). So if you bet "population" you have to bet $600 to every $100 you want to win. Betting on Castor Troy wins you $600 to every $100 you bet.

Do people even pay attention to what's going on in movies?!


Just watched the scene again and that is NOT what he said, he did say "621 TO population"

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine
