This movie needed a darker ending
Am I the only one who thinks so, or would anyone else agree with me?
shareAm I the only one who thinks so, or would anyone else agree with me?
shareThe ending was good, some of the dialogue in the final scene could have been rewritten however (ie "Dad sorry I shot you")
"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine
If it had been a John Woo HK movie, I reckon Archer would have died at the end. Probably protecting Adam so it mirrored the start of the movie.
by The_Ultimate_Hippo"I'm sorry I got all those people killed" might have been better. share
some of the dialogue in the final scene could have been rewritten however (ie "Dad sorry I shot you")
It's very rare for action movies like this one to have a dark ending. The good guy overcomes his obstacles and ends up improbably killing or defeating the bad guy and that's that, unless there's enough box office success for a sequel.
The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.
Yes, it is fairly rare for action movies to have dark (or even semi-dark) endings. But I think Face/Off would have been a good opportunity to defy tradition.