MovieChat Forums > Event Horizon (1997) Discussion > The most stupid set of characters ever s...

The most stupid set of characters ever seen in a sci-fi movie

So I was urged to watch this movie. But after 5 minutes, it was already annoying me.

The characters come across as very stupid. One character Sean Pertwee talks in a brain-dead Cockney accent and sits around smoking cigarettes in a spaceship. He talks so dumb, you question why NASA would bother putting this imbecile in space

There are a few more characters who talk dumb and act dumb. Including one guy who would look more suited emptying trash cans. Sam Neil is the only one of the crew you'd think should be there. The rest, no.


They were a very dopey bunch
No wonder it all ended in disaster...dummies should not go into deep rule


Sorry but I loved Sean's father Jon, but Sean cannot act to save his life. I am still wondering why he was chosen to be in this movie.

Unless he did it for peanuts. But why was his character so retarded in his behaviour and speech? Yeah NASA scientists do have a sense of humor, BUT their vast intelligence still shines through. But this guy gave the impression he'd have trouble adding 2 and 2 together.

WHY have characters like this in a space movie?????????????????????????

Baffling. I also never finished the movie. It just sucked from the start.


It should have been soooo much better with that cast and the horror angle...
But you should re-visit it and finish the thing...great example of a movie that was 90% perfect but fucked it all ARE a moviefhan afterall;)


I can't get passed the shitty characters and awful lines. That killed it for me. Actually rather than it being a great cast. I think everyone in it was MISCAST.

It probably be better with a whole new cast.


Fair enough...well said
Nice to meet you:)
See you around the funny farm here dude


That's sorta the point...
They are blue-collar people doing a technical job. Think Alien (Truckers in Space) and it may make more sense.


Yeah pretty similar
But the crew of Nostromo seemed to have more sense
Good post tho-thx!


They were no Brett and Parker. :)


I liked morpheous' performance in this one


I liked morpheous' performance in this one
I found his character irritating. His entire one-note performance consisted of going into conflict mode every time someone opened their mouth.


I agree completely. A crew of total idiots!



They weren't the brightest, sure, but if you want to see a seriously super-dumb crew, I suggest the ones from Prometheus and Alien Covenant.


Wow! A blast from the past! Yes, those two crews were seriously dumb also.



As bad as the characters in Prometheus and Alien: Covenant.

Sadly the writers don't learn from stupid actions in sci-fi movies.
