Hellraiser in space?

That's what I thought anyway, when it came out and now after a belated re-watch. The gravity drive is a direct analogue of Hellraiser's puzzle box. Good movie though, we aint gonna see things like this from Hollywood any more.


It mentions this in the trivia section- I hadn't really thought about it but it seems you're right!
I remember when I first watched this and saw the 'giant meat grinder' leading up to that room that it was so obvious that someone was going to die horribly and get sliced up in it...and they didn't. That was pleasantly surprising- I love this film!


I just saw this "Making of Event Horizon" on youtube and Paul Anderson name checks Hellraiser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxQJhkozHrs


That's what my dad said when he first saw this, I remember him saying "I think they've got a lot of their ideas from Hellraiser".

On the plus side it got me interested in watching Hellraiser, which I'd never heard of at that point.

Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.



Very much a hell raiser in space.. And probably better than the actual Hellraiser set in space. I never saw it, but wasn't there a Hellraiser set in space? Which was better?


I dunno. I'm probably biased since I'm such a Hellraiser fan, but I liked Bloodline just a little bit better.


Just tell me how to get it with all the gore intact.


I thought that when I first saw it, but I was only just getting into horror movies at the time so Hellraiser was about all I could compare it to. Now, the similarities don't seem so overt, but there are a few similarities. Weir's demonic form could pass for a cenobite(and even has markings similar to the ones on the Lament Configuration), and his wife's "I have such wonderful things to show you".


And that's a very good thing.


They should have hired clive barker to assist with the production
