Time Period?

Is this movie set in the 80's or did they have a bad costume and set person? The movie was made in 1997 but it never said what year it was set in.

I'd also like to note that Sean Connery is the best James Bond.


no, it was definately based in the 90's...i'm guessing because of the different clothes keri russel wore in the movie, it kind of threw some people off. i don't have any overwhelming evidence, but i think it's definately set in the 90's.

I'm all at sea, where no one can bother me...



agreed, and Dishwalla's 'Counting Blue Cars' is playing on the radio at some point.


im guessing alot of those outfits were for parties that were themed



sometimes i think they make it generic on purpose, so you can watch it 10 yrs later and it does not seem dated, also the 80's type clothing is there to give nostelga to people in their late 20's-early 30's and increase the demigraphics of the movie, but you can tell for sure it was a 90's movie by the bathing suit she wore, deff 90's high waisted suit


"nick got tickets to lalapalooza." I'm convinced it was set in the 90's. >:)

