Okay I know that trying to make sense of a Chris Farley movie is like relating a child's macaroni painting to the Mona Lisa. But at the end, Hunt and Edwards get to the ocean first and plant the flag. And they beat Lewis & Clark. So why were they just Almost Heroes? I mean if you think about it, they beat Lewis and Clark to the punch, they turned out to heroes. I think the film misfired with that, there should have been some tourists sitting at the beach or something already.
I think the point is that they made it there first, but they didn't realize that to be heroes they would have to go back and tell people what they had done. Since Lewis and Clark went back, they got the credit and became heroes. Since Edwards and Hunt went up north to Canada, they probably froze and died. So, they were almost heroes. They accomplished what they needed, but they didn't get back to tall anybody about it.
What I always thought was funny was Hidalgo was just a mile or two inland at the end of the movie, but supposedly he never went all the way to the ocean.
I'm such a dork. I always loved Leif cuz his dad was Eric the Red, and his name was Ericsson. I know that was standard practice back then, but it still makes me laugh.