Tremendous rip-off of Wagons East
Oh my god, I had never seen Wagons East (with John Candy) until this morning, but it came out four years before this movie, had a remarkably similar premise (Chris Farley in the pioneer days vs. John Candy in the pioneer days), and there are several jokes straight-up recycled into this movie.
Such as, when Richard Lewis tells his story by the campfire about almost saving a man with a cannonball wound to the stomach. He says he would've lived, but he left a bologna sandwich in his lung. Everybody laughs. And one of the crew (who are rough and crazy) stands up and (admitting a story equally funny to him) tells about how he secretly killed his childhood friend, and everybody laughs.
In this one, Matthew Perry tells a story by the campfire, and one of the crew stands up and tells him the sheep sh*t story. Everybody laughs.
If you watch the scenes back-to-back, it's almost insulting.
I think what must have happened is Chris Farley wanted to make this movie, so instead came out with a crappier knock-off (seeing as this was kind of a flop).
-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...