Anyone see this at the cinema?
Just caught some of this earlier on one of those freeview all day movie channels and remember going to see this 20years ago! (had since bought it on VHS maybe 15 years ago when VHS were getting cheap and it was a double tape of this with Legends of the Fall but dont think watched it again more than once. Never bothered to replace it on DVD though) watching it all felt familiar. can remember some of the hype for it back then at how irresponsible it was to have a movie star like heartthrob Pitt playing an IRA terrorist and newspapers/critics being against it etc.. even remember an article that said Princess Diana had taken her sons to see it despite them being too young. Also remember seeing trailers for it playing before other movies in 96 early 97.. and that it was a big action year for Ford as he had AF1 out later in the year (also TDO was abit strange in that it was Fords 2nd IRA thriller)
Funny to think now theres NO WAY a movie like this would even get made let alone a 'big deal'... if it was it'd have to be on Netflix or the like. and Pitt and Ford would more likely appear together in a superhero or Star Wars movie