Unintended irony.

I noted the scene at the start of the film, where Pitt's character is being driven across a bridge and admires the city's buildings, clearly seen is the World Trade Centre.
Pitt mentions how nice this view is, other terrorists visiting the US in 2001 whould find this view pleasing as well...

Of course this film was shot when the US liked the idea of romantic terrorism wasn't it? :)


here here!
(or is it hear, hear ?? ... i dunno... )


hear hear

also, he mentions the Twin Towers as 'she'

I want to all men!


Congratulations all three of you on your high-minded gloating at the death of 1000's. It's the stuff to make one proud.

It is often those who think they are the brightest that are the most ignorant.


ah blow it out yer arse


hear here


Now let's all go home and masturbate.


Isn't I coincidental that when I responded to some limey morons gloating about terrorism that bombs go off in London only a few days later?


Big difference, dickhead, is that America pumped millions into IRA terrorist coffers and then bitched when terrorists attacked them...
So if anyone "gloated" you can see why...




we have a labour not a liberal government. In fact the liberals are only the third biggest party over here. So you, my friend, are clearly talking out yer arse.


You should learn the difference between Liberal and liberal. The former is a party, whilst the latter is a general adjective.




To me I don't feel it is ironic in so much it justs brings forward the tragedy unleashed by terrorism. I am sure there will be other films with the Twin Towers in, they were such a feature of the city and of course this is why they were targetted. But the only tragedy is that it is in a film that involves terrorism and has little really to do with the Pitts character who is merely appreciating the view not thinking as some awful people did "that's a great place to attack". As i say terrorism no matter where it is or who it effects is tragic and a great waste of life and sadly it is becoming more and more a part of the modern world.


As a former British serviceman who had a few close shaves courtesy of the IRA, the Irish-American romanticised, rosey tinted view of NI was a potential killer. The millions of dollars given to republican terrorist by American fund raisers contributed directly to the deaths of many of the 3,500 or so victims of thr "troubles".

The change of tone in the USA (and NY in particular) in the wake of the deaths of a similar number of people in the WTC struck me a deeply ironic. New York was the centre of the republican terrorist fund raising efforts - so perhaps it's appropriate that Al Qaeda chose the target that they did.

Still, given that the USA was founded following a terrorist campaign in the 18th century we should not be surprised by the hypocritical approach to terrorism. Remember, dear friends, that the "freedom fighters" who liberated America were republican terrorists themselves.


"Still, given that the USA was founded following a terrorist campaign in the 18th century we should not be surprised by the hypocritical approach to terrorism. Remember, dear friends, that the "freedom fighters" who liberated America were republican terrorists themselves."

Hmmm, that's an interesting take on early US history. I'm not unsympathetic with your point of view, but remember, once the balance of forces became equalized (thank you, oh French Republic!), the US colonists resorted to conventional 18th century warfare.

As for the number of IRA sympathizers in the US, I would imagine that their numbers are relatively small. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that one in four Americans couldn't find Ireland on an unmarked map. And I'll make a similar bet that one in ten couldn't find Ireland on a MARKED map.

Be that as it may, I respect your point of view.



yep. it's like rain on your wedding day or...it's a free ride when you've already paid.

You stay classy, San Diego.


WHY oh why do people from elsewhere assume all Americans think the same ? "HOLLYWOOD" is made up of how many people ? Because one person wrote the script and a few others thought it would make a good movie, how is it that we Americans got a well deserved payback on 9/11 ?
How many Americans do you think knew what the plot of this movie was before seeing it ? Because money was raised in Irish enclaves in and around several major cities, mainly by the Irish who moved here from Ireland, in a country 3,000+ miles wide with a population of 300+ million people, you paint us all with the same broad brush ?
Other than some having read 'Trinity' and/or 'Angelas Ashes' and maybe watched 'The Quiet Man' on St Patricks Day, most Americans I would wager, know little about 'the troubles' - how much do you know about our civil rights movement or life in so. central ? At most, probably no more than the average person in small town USA.
I remember the headlines, the pictures in the NY papers after the IRA bombings and not once did I hear another around me say anything other than 'how awful' etc. And besides, its not like Americans embraced this movie and made it into some kind of modern classic. Half way through it I remembered that I had seen it years ago - thats how big an impression it made on me.


I left one of those original comments and i was in no way 'gloating' about terrorism. I was agreeing with the comment :

' Of course this film was shot when the US liked the idea of romantic terrorism wasn't it? :)'

'Limey morons??' who to hell do you think you are? I've grown up in Northern Ireland with terrorism...I've known people on all sides who've suffered or even been killed during the violence here ....
Terrorism is disgusting where ever and whoever it comes from!! It's also disgusting when people fund that terrorism and enable it to continue.

do not dare to make such pathetic comments! 'Gloating'?? who was gloating? READ and think before you make such accusations!
Man, you make me sick.


Were your parents related before they got married and had you?


VanNostrand, nobody here gloated, I was reflecting on the difference a few years have made. Before 9/11 the US looked on the IRA a lot more favourably than it did after. The reception George Bush gave Gerry Adams, president of Sinn Fein was certainly a lot colder than he would have received in years past.

I would never gloat over any terrorist attack, a girl from my school was one of the last to be killed by terrorists in Northern Ireland back in the late 90s.

It is often those who think they are the brightest that are the most ignorant

That says it all, you were so desperate to defend those who died in 9/11 you didn't think anyone else round the world could have possibly suffered the same or known how it felt...


VanNostrand, nobody here gloated, I was reflecting on the difference a few years have made. Before 9/11 the US looked on the IRA a lot more favourably than it did after. The reception George Bush gave Gerry Adams, president of Sinn Fein was certainly a lot colder than he would have received in years past.

I would never gloat over any terrorist attack, a girl from my school was one of the last to be killed by terrorists in Northern Ireland back in the late 90s.

It is often those who think they are the brightest that are the most ignorant

That says it all, you were so desperate to defend those who died in 9/11 you didn't think anyone else round the world could have possibly suffered the same or known how it felt...

You're right.

"Roads?..... where we're going we don't need roads.."


The IRA arent terrorists


The IRA arent terrorists

This adds nothing to this thread, please stay on topic. Why is it subjects like this bring out the worst users to post...


Van nostrand seems like some immature school boy who knows nothing about politics or world events, nobody made light of the sept 11 attacks, it was him who made a smart arse remark about the london bombings, which has nothing to do with a "liberal government".

IrelandRaven: we are trying to look at the film not your narrow minded views, no one cares about the chip on your shoulder, unless you have seen this film and want to comment on it go back under the rock you came from and take your contempt for the british with you.

I have read some of your other posts, i especially enjoy the ones where you refer to britain being in the dark ages because we have a monarchy, get a life.


"Liberal Government"?? - well I guess anything is liberal in the eyes on a narrow minded American. If only we did have a liberal government then we wouldn´t be in Iraq right now and we wouldn´t have to be so concerned with terrorist attacks in London.

As a side note - I recently met an Irishman who was asked by an American why he spoke such good English. And they think they have the right to interfere with Irish politics!


This post has nothing to do with the film,your comparing Al quaeda to the IRA and you obviously dont know jack s*** on the subject,and who has a narrow minded view?my granda was in the british army,and his son in the IRA ,so if my views are anything ,their not narrow, the IRA didnt bomb civilians intentionally,they targeted security or british forces..

and that fella who said they do things like drug deal... oh *beep* mate please come over here and talk to all the guys i know who have been kneecapped for dealing drugs to kids etc.


'the IRA didnt bomb civilians intentionally,they targeted security or british forces..

The sad thing is you really believe this.

PS, is it ok to murder me because I was a police officer?

Perhaps you could give us your list of people it is ok to murder, so we can be sure where we all stand.


And unfortunately the British army was never allowed to shot back. What was the point in them being there then. Not only that but when the SAS were sent in to 'deal' with the IRA, the IRA bitched as they now knew they'd be shot at, we stupidly gave in a removed them.

Even worse is the soldier that was on a check point in Northern Ireland. Doing his job when a car comes towards the check point. The car driver knowing full well he must stop or be shot at, as for all the soldier knows it they are IRA. The car doesn't stop, ploughs through the check point and the soldier opens fire. Turns out it was a joyrider. Soldier managed to hit the driver I believe, a girl in the car and not sure if the rest suffered. The soldier had done his job, he didn't know who was in the car, they refused to stop, they got shot. Yet he, the soldier, ended up in prison for man slaughter. Go figure.


"And unfortunately the British army was never allowed to shot back."

Are you kidding? The Army shot dead 400 people in Northern Ireland.

"Not only that but when the SAS were sent in to 'deal' with the IRA, the IRA bitched as they now knew they'd be shot at, we stupidly gave in a removed them."

The SAS were active in Northern Ireland at least until the mid-1990s when they had to deal with the South Armagh sniper team. They were not withdrawn.

"The soldier had done his job, he didn't know who was in the car, they refused to stop, they got shot. Yet he, the soldier, ended up in prison for man slaughter. Go figure."

Forensics originally showed that the car was clear of the checkpoint when Clegg killed the joyrider. There was thought to be no danger to himself or anyone else, and driving through a checkpoint isn't punishable by the death penalty the last time I checked. Later tests showed that the bullet could have entered the side of the car, so there was arguably still a danger and the conviction was overturned. The basis for his original conviction was sound on the evidence they had available: killing someone for breaking the law when they are not actively endangering lives is unlawful.

There was an incident about a year ago where an RUC officer shot the driver of a car that had mounted the pavement and was endangering pedestrians in an attempt to dodge a checkpoint. There was little complaining about it because the shooting undoubtedly saved lives.


worst users like? here mate take your 2 braincells over here and we'll talk about this with people who actually know what happens over here

and by the way i dont like the IRA so if you think my comment is biased then shove it up yer a*** (o i swore, shoot me!)


You can call the IRA whatever you want but the one thing they certainly arent is drug dealers.


I've read your posts, you are one of the prime examples of people who don't know what has gone on.


by - IrelandRaven (Sun Sep 25 2005 08:22:36 )
The IRA arent terrorists

The Provisional IRA are, in fact, terrorists. It is a proscribed organisation that engages in terrorist activities. Its other illegal activities include money laundering, racketeering, intimidation, vigilantism (including murder and punishment without trial), smuggling, drugs dealing.. etc.


and yes that guys right,they arent drug dealers.see your thinkin of stupid little a**holes like the REAL IRA,CIRA etc. <<<these are the people you think the PIRA are,bombing civilians and drug dealing etc,but the PIRA are (were at least) much different


Why do British (outside of NI) and American people continue to comment on the conflict, if anyone cannot make gloating comments about terrorism it's the English. The truth is the NI situation is relatively unknown and ignored by the majority of the British people, it is better to remain silent and be though stupid, than too speak out and remove all doubt. Some of the comments about the 'troubles' on these boards make me angry, most make me laugh.


Most make me laugh, the only reason i felt i had to comment was to put the ignorant american posters straight



Perhaps I missed it, but I didn't see anyone on here seeming to know what they're talking about. The IRA doesn't exist anymore. It ending during the early 1900's after their mission was accomplished. Afterwards, certain groups did claim to be part of it but any Irishman will tell you they had nothing to do with the IRA. The IRA was not a terrorist organization. It was actually very similiar to the United States' colonial armies that fought the British as well.
Either way, the Irish terrorist organizations hold no candle of evil anywhere near those that brought the towers down or attacked London. I'm sure more people would be offended (on either side of the coin) if you said that than not.

There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.


WTF mate the IRA werent even formed then... your thinkin of the IRB etc.


Of course the PIRA aren't drug dealers. They're child murderers, mutilators, they threaten and intimidate their own communities, they've held back peace in Northern Ireland for 30 years but no, they're not drug dealers. Which makes them alright to some I guess...


you say the PIRA do all those things?so do the brits

and anyway why am i talking to you about this,from your previous posts everyone knows you dont know a fkin thing about the conflict


Ignoring the fact that another IMDB bored is being used for a political discussion (And i plead guilty to the fact that i help to fuel these flames...it is something I am ashamed of yes) this whole thing started because of a simple post, and sarcastic message. One prick takes it as a personal attack and suddenly its a political war in here. Well, to be the warmonger i'll put my opinion in and wait to be attacked or backed because i know it will be one or the other.

9/11 happened five years ago and yet we continue to dote upon it like it happened yesterday. We can never push forward because no one can let go of whats behind them. *beep* happened, yes it was a terrible incident but people, please, it is no where near the appocalypse you make it out to be. About 10,000 people (I have no idea, i'm just taking an educated guess) died in that incident. Look outside of the small box you live in and realize that that many people die monthly of starvation, civil/guerilla war and AIDS in Africa. That there are millions of people dieing every year because of *beep* none of us have ever thought of. Now look at 9/11 and tell me it is still such a huge thing. Why is 9/11 so terrible and yet everything else is non-existant? Because we live in America and thats all Americans care about.

If I sound heartless, go ahead and flame me, but just know that there are far worse things that could be happening.

"The body is chained by the insecurities of the mind"-Me


you say the PIRA do all those things?so do the brits

and anyway why am i talking to you about this,from your previous posts everyone knows you dont know a fkin thing about the conflict

So you don't deny that the PIRA do those things? Didn't think so.

You're probably talking to me because you've a chip on your shoulder, probably because of the shafting Gerry Adams and his cohorts have given the "soldiers" of the PIRA, being far more happy to be in bed with Tony Blair than his comrades...


'So you don't deny that the PIRA do those things? Didn't think so.
Lol who the hell am I to deny it? I'm not in the army council. When you're being Gerrymandered, murdered in your street, not allowed to vote, shot up in bars and street corners by loyalist paramilitaries being spoon-fed information by the British security forces, you bet your balls you're gonna fight back.

In a war there is casualties, I'm not happy with the deaths of innocents on any sides,do you think I'm some kind of monster? No, I'm an Irish guy who has seen a lot of *beep* happen around him, sitting behind a computer screen reading posts from idiots who obviously know so much better than the volunteers who gave their lives in the conflict. If you invade a country of "Irish Dogs" You better be prepared to get bitten.

There's a reason Bobby Sands has streets named after him (In fact he was even mentioned in shameless recently, in a positive light, how times have changed eh?) The IRA was made up of normal every day men and women, who were sick of being treated like *beep* so they did what they had to do. Judge them how you want from behing your keyboard, but when you get thrown into jail (What was it, about 99% of the people interned were catholics?) for being a catholic, without any evidence required, for a few years then you can come and tell me how you deal with it.


Ireland Raven: The IRA did exist in the early 1920s but you may be rigth that everything else i was saying was about the IRB...but I could've sworn that's what I was taught about the IRA. at any rate, you'd most likely know better than I would but I know for a fact the IRA was around that early.

There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.

