'So you don't deny that the PIRA do those things? Didn't think so.
Lol who the hell am I to deny it? I'm not in the army council. When you're being Gerrymandered, murdered in your street, not allowed to vote, shot up in bars and street corners by loyalist paramilitaries being spoon-fed information by the British security forces, you bet your balls you're gonna fight back.
In a war there is casualties, I'm not happy with the deaths of innocents on any sides,do you think I'm some kind of monster? No, I'm an Irish guy who has seen a lot of *beep* happen around him, sitting behind a computer screen reading posts from idiots who obviously know so much better than the volunteers who gave their lives in the conflict. If you invade a country of "Irish Dogs" You better be prepared to get bitten.
There's a reason Bobby Sands has streets named after him (In fact he was even mentioned in shameless recently, in a positive light, how times have changed eh?) The IRA was made up of normal every day men and women, who were sick of being treated like *beep* so they did what they had to do. Judge them how you want from behing your keyboard, but when you get thrown into jail (What was it, about 99% of the people interned were catholics?) for being a catholic, without any evidence required, for a few years then you can come and tell me how you deal with it.