The only reason there is a Unionist majority in "Northern Ireland" (not "Ulster", the entire province of Ulster actually has a Nationalist majority, did you know?), is because the British and those who benefited from the Union brainwashed most of the Protestant population with all this paranoia that they'd be discriminated by and second place to the Catholic population in a United Ireland. I wonder how many of them know that the Irish flag represents peace between Catholics and Protestants?
The Nationalist population in N. Ireland aren't exactly a tiny minority either. The Nationalists have the right to the land as well. The Unionists are mostly descended from Scottish and English planters who stole the land from the native Irish. And then they go on about how they represent the interests of N. Ireland? All these guys like Ian Paisley etc. make me sick.
Every civilian death caused by the PIRA is a tragedy, but if you look at the facts as they are, the PIRA actually had the least ratio of civilians killed by their actions. The wonderful British Army have killed about 100 times more innocents around the world than all the IRA splinter groups put together. They're OK though, they're an official force, on the right side of the crown.
Major Crimes? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiit.