Al Qaeda: the new IRA

They are both terrorist organisations that have a history of murdering innocent people.
I just find it interesting how the focus has changed so much since Spetember 11. Of course the IRA have had a cease fire in effect for years(lets hope it stays that way forever) and now people are starting to forget how bad the IRA were and hate Al Qaeda instead. This is also reflected in movies and TV.

I wonder who will be the next hated terrorist organisation in ten years? A Russian, Chinese or African group maybe?


Where are you from? Aside from Neverland.



What planet are you on son? Apart from the main different being one Org. is based on religeous fanatism and the other was a militant freedom fighting group based on the liberation of Ireland from British foreign oppression.


The scale is too different to really compare the two. The IRA were an organisation that fought and targeted strictly within the British Isles with the intention of uniting Ireland. The Al-Qaeda is a glodal terrorist force focusing on the destruction of Israil, arabic unity and driving the US out of the middle east. To compare the two is like comparing a cat scrath to a tiger bite, same species, infinatly different results.


Most people seem to still think that the IRA were a load of paddies that jumped on the boat to London and started blowing things up for no particular reason.

"Our revenge will be the laughter of our children" - Bobby Sands 1954-1981 R.I.P.


He may be from England. Well, Al-Qaeda is killing more people in London/Britain than the IRA now.


One persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. Nelson Mandela was a paramilitary leader who co-ordinated violent attacks against government and military targets and they gave him the nobel peace prize so go figure!

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


And whatever to do it had to my comment?


I hit the wrong reply. I didn't think your comment was a particularly good one.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


AL Qaeda and IRA, probably a little different. But IRA and say, Hamas or the fighters in Iraq are more similar. Both fighting against an oppressor who has invaded their home soil. If you think otherwise, I'm sorry, you probably are white and think everything white = right.


Thats an extremely racist comment.

Also "fighters in Iraq" are Al Qaeda. They call themselves "Al Quada in Iraq" and focus on exterminating the local population.

But as you so importantly pointed out, I am probably a racist white Nazi.


What a racist comment.


One persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. Nelson Mandela was a paramilitary leader who co-ordinated violent attacks against government and military targets and they gave him the nobel peace priz so go figure!

Didn't Yasser Arafat also once win the Nobel Peace Prize after he turned his back on terrorism.

IRA being freedom fighters, what a load of crap, the I.R.A are murdering scumbags as well, nothing more, nothing less


IRA being freedom fighters, what a load of crap, the I.R.A are murdering scumbags as well, nothing more, nothing less
Well my point was that in a few years will Martin McGuinness a previously active member of the IRA or 'murdering scumbag' as you put it share the Nobel peace prize with Ian Paisely for bridging the political divide in government? I really don't see members of Al Quaeda making such concessions do you?

Your's sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott



Godbrother- Hypocrite.



South Park fan, yes.

Braveheart now.

I don't see how that as anything to do with this, what fictional shows or movies I watch.

They both intentionally murder civilians, thus terrorists.



1. Oh the Irony
2. Warnings don't mean anything, they still murdered people and alot of times they didn't warn.


coming from a south park and braveheart fan i can already guess at you knowledge of the troubles or any of Ireland's history, you hardly even came up with an argument just a single word.


[deleted] feature.shtml

No warning there.



They knew famalies were going to meet up with the soldiers, it's called 'leave'.

You keep supporting your beloved murderers.




You keep supporting your beloved murderers, I'm done arguing with a hypocrite on so many levels, especially on the English language skills.

Learn to spell?





infiltrated? over half the loyalist paramilitaries are made up of police men and most of theiroperationswere funded by the RUC.



The only reason there is a Unionist majority in "Northern Ireland" (not "Ulster", the entire province of Ulster actually has a Nationalist majority, did you know?), is because the British and those who benefited from the Union brainwashed most of the Protestant population with all this paranoia that they'd be discriminated by and second place to the Catholic population in a United Ireland. I wonder how many of them know that the Irish flag represents peace between Catholics and Protestants?

The Nationalist population in N. Ireland aren't exactly a tiny minority either. The Nationalists have the right to the land as well. The Unionists are mostly descended from Scottish and English planters who stole the land from the native Irish. And then they go on about how they represent the interests of N. Ireland? All these guys like Ian Paisley etc. make me sick.

Every civilian death caused by the PIRA is a tragedy, but if you look at the facts as they are, the PIRA actually had the least ratio of civilians killed by their actions. The wonderful British Army have killed about 100 times more innocents around the world than all the IRA splinter groups put together. They're OK though, they're an official force, on the right side of the crown.

Major Crimes? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiit.



Well said,anyone that kills innocent people,no matter what the cause,are cowardly terrorists.


Do you consider the British army terrorists?

Major Crimes? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiit.




well they have killed alotta innocent people, by that your own standards that makes them terrorists.



Well, for example al-Qaeda did not kill any civilians and only disarmed the guards while blowing up the Al-Askari Mosque (twice).






You're not wrong.


Al-Qaeda are not and never will be the new IRA, the IRA never to my knowledge used suicide attacks, the IRA more often than not phoned a warning in before a bomb went off, I dont recall any recorded warnings before 7/7/05. The IRA are scum and vermin, but compared to Al-Qaeda they are pussycats.

What claim will be made next Kabul or Baghdad: The New Belfast or (London)Derry


Al-Qaeda are not and never will be the new IRA, the IRA never to my knowledge used suicide attacks, the IRA more often than not phoned a warning in before a bomb went off, I dont recall any recorded warnings before 7/7/05. The IRA are scum and vermin, but compared to Al-Qaeda they are pussycats.

What claim will be made next Kabul or Baghdad: The New Belfast or (London)Derry
