Imagine a british film glorifying Timothy McVeigth as a freedom fighter
I have a couple English friends, and both mentioned that line upon seeing this film.
Can't say I disagree with them.
I don't know enough about the conflict, so I am aware any opinion I have may be misinformed.
However I really don't think it's good to glamorize/legitimize some terrorists (IRA, Mandela, Arafat, Northen Aliance, Sharon) and demonize others (Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, McVeith).
a) Condemn all, no matter how appealing their cause may be.
b) Stop using the term, accepting it's becoming meaningless (like accusations of antisemitism against any/all critics of Israel, they just don't carry much weight anymore).
c) Accept terrorism is relative (one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, yesterday's terrorist is today's statesman).