Lawyers, what are your thoughts on this movie?
I have seen lawyers talk about it on YouTube, but the only negative things they said about it was that some parts were inaccurate. I haven't seen anyone say it was wrong how Kevin was portrayed as a bad person for doing his job. I feel like I must be missing something, because I can't think of what he did wrong. Although I'm not an expert on this, and I haven't seen the movie for a while.
From what I remember, he defends clients he believes to be guilty, and wins the cases. I don't see anything wrong with that. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial. And if there's reasonable doubt, the person should be acquitted, even if it seems like they're probably guilty. Just because someone seems like they're probably guilty, doesn't mean they are. The justice system is based the idea that it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer. Just imagine how dangerous it would be if all lawyers stopped defending all clients who seemed like they were probably guilty.
You could say similar things about other movies that portray lawyers as bad guys, e.g. Liar Liar.